A Marine doing God's Work
Finding Inspiration and Hope in Every Twist
I wanted to take a moment to tell a story about a man I met in Irvine California when I was serving as the Marine Officer Selection Officer for the United States Marine Corps.
His name is Brent Rogan. Brent is a great Marine Officer and after his service to our country he went on to serve as a Law Enforcement Officer. He comes from a phenomenal family who imbued in him the values and leadership traits that anyone would love to see in their son. To say that he has taken what they taught him to new heights both personally and professionally would be an understatement as he added to their wisdom a great deal of his own as a man, a husband, a father, and Christian. He is hands down one of the finest people I have ever known.
Last year he sent me a wonderful paracord bracelet and I cannot tell you how much it means to me. It's just wonderful and I am still touched by this small but powerful gesture, The gift and the unexpected and wonderful surprise of it was important for me during a difficult time. I have thought about how I could possibly thank him for this deeply moving, yet simple gift and I frankly do not have the words. I just don't. And most of you know, I'm not a person who is typically at a loss for words. So....I think the absolute best thing I can do to thank him is to forward what is most certainly a ministry that he began by asking you to go to his site and read about what he is doing for others.
There is no cost for you to "pay it forward" so to speak, and your gift through his ministry will mean the world to someone you care about. Moreover, it will validate the purpose with which he began this branch on his journey.
Treat someone you love to one of these special custom paracord bracelets that honors their service and that shows them you are thinking of them when they may least expect it.
That small surprise may make a huge impact upon them at an important moment in their life!
Semper Fidelis!
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